Dementia and Memory Care

Notre Dame welcomes all cognitive impaired Residents to our facility. Through the Admission process each candidate for Admission is evaluated by our clinical staff to determine the appropriateness of their possible placement at Notre Dame.

It is Notre Dame main goal to keep our Resident safe and well cared for at all times. Although we do not have a specific Dementia and or Memory Care Unit at our facility, we have instituted safety measures and clinical support systems designed to care for cognitively impaired Residents.

Notre Dame provides behaviorial/psychiatric services through the support from Psychiatrist. The behavioral health group provides weekly rounds for the facility. If a Resident at Notre Dame is in need of  behaviorial/psychiatric consultation, he will be made available to families for this service.

In addition to this clinical service, the facility has a Wanderguard system in place to protect those Residents who may pose a high risk of Elopement. Each Resident admitted to the facility is assessed for their risk of elopement. Based on this assessment, the Resident would either be assigned a Wanderguard or not. This system is in place to protect those Residents who may be less aware of their own health & safety while in the facility.

Our facility’s staff provides loving and supportive care to those suffering from dementia. Routines and activities are carefully formulated to enhance the dignity and quality of life of all of our residents with dementia.

Notre Dame Health and Rehabilitation Center provides psychiatric consulting service a  psychiatrist. The consulting psychiatrist conducts rounds throughout the building, following up on specific cases identified by our Nursing staff.

Thank you so much for your wonderful care of Mrs. C over the past year. Notre Dame is a warm and caring place and we were fortunate to have here there.