Notre Dame Health and Rehabilitation Center
Visitation Policy and Procedure during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Notre Dame Health and Rehabilitation Center is committed to supporting person- centered visitation that considers the Resident’s physical, mental and psychosocial well-being, while supporting their quality of life. To prevent and mitigate exposure to the COVID-19 virus, these core principles and best practices will be followed that reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission:
Core Principles of COVID-19 Infection Prevention
- Screening of all who enter the facility for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g., temperature checks, questions and observations about signs or symptoms), denial of entry of those with signs or symptoms. Ask about recent travel history.
- Hand hygiene (use of alcohol-based hand rub is preferred)
- Face covering- mask (covering of mouth and nose)
- Social distancing at least six feet between persons
- Instructional signage throughout the facility and proper visitor education on COVID-19 signs and symptoms, infection control precautions, other applicable facility practices (e.g., use of face covering – mask, specified entries, exits and routes to designated areas, hand hygiene)
- Cleaning and disinfecting high frequency touched surfaces in the facility often, and designated visitation areas after each visitation
- Appropriate staff use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Effective cohorting of Residents (e.g., separate areas dedicated COVID-19 care)
- Resident and staff testing conducted as required
Visitor Testing
Visitors are strongly advised to be tested on their own prior to coming to the facility for their scheduled indoor visits (e.g., within 2-3 days).
Compassionate Care Visits
Residents who meet the criteria for compassionate care visits will be identified and discussed with the Medical Director. Visits will be offered. In addition to family members, other individuals such as clergy will be considered for visiting. Personal contact should be done following all appropriate infection prevention guidelines, and for a specified amount of time.
Indoor Visitation
Indoor visitation will be offered up to five days a week. Visits will take place in the dedicated visitation space, which is the Recreation Room. Each Resident will be allowed up to two visitors per visit. Three visits may occur simultaneously in each morning and afternoon session. Visits will be a minimum of 30 minutes in length to allow for proper cleaning in between visit sessions. Following the core principles, visitors will be screened prior to entering through the patio entrance for the scheduled visit. Visitors who are unable to adhere to core principles will not be permitted to visit and will be asked to leave the facility.
Visitation will be suspended if the facility experiences an outbreak or due to a rise in COVID-19 county positivity rates to high.
No food will be permitted during visitation, unless a specified need is identified.
Residents who are on transmission-based precautions for COVID-19 will only receive visits that are virtual or in-person for compassionate care situations, with adherence to transmission-based precautions.
FaceTime, Skype, window and patio visits will continue to be offered for those who prefer this method of visitation.
Communal Activities and Dining
These activities may occur while adhering to core principles of COVID-19 infection prevention. Residents may eat in the same room while adhering to social distancing, in addition to keeping at least 6 feet apart. Group activities for those not in isolation or observation may occur provided social distancing occurs among Residents, appropriate hand hygiene, and the use of a face covering.
These activities will be suspended for a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case.